Wednesday, June 29, 2016

Home of the Sparrow

Home of the Sparrow (more info here) ... is looking for donations this summer...

We are doing things a little differently this year!

Pools are open, vacations have started, fireworks fill the night sky; we are officially in full summer mode!
As the fun continues and the days get longer how soon we forget that school will be back in session before we know it.
As August nears, parents scramble to pick up backpack essentials and the newest trends in school fashion.
But for some parents, this is a time of stress and anxiety. With strict budgets and debt, notebooks and pencils seem like an impossible feat. 

In an effort to alleviate some stress with our clients you can help us by providing a book bag and a back to school uniform or a book bag and shoes for a specific child or children. If you are interested in helping with this program we will assign you to a child or children and send you their specific list of sizing information for an outfit or uniform and favorite color or interest for back pack theme suggestion. We would kindly request that you bring everything to the office by Monday August 1st.  Gift receipts would be encouraged for clothing! We will be collecting school supplies at the office and various locations throughout our community partners. Please let me know if your group, church, club, organization, etc. would like to do your own supply collection including; notebooks, folders, paper, pencils, highlighters, etc. 

On Thursday, August 4th at 10:00am we will have 8 volunteers stuff all of the backpacks! Please let me know if you would like to help sort and stuff. 

If you are interested, please fill out the HOS Donor Form and return it as soon as you can. We will email (preferable), mail, or fax the school supply requests to you as soon as we receive them. If you have any questions please do not hesitate to contact Ashley Stirling at (610) 647-4940, or“A child without an education is like a bird without wings”;.  As always we wholeheartedly appreciate your donations, especially when helping to give these children wings to a brighter future!

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