Sunday, August 07, 2016

Scrapstashtic Quilts

Scrapstashtic Quilts: Organizing Your Scrap Fabric Stash and ACTUALLY Using It by Janellea Macbeth. Paperback Edition, 2015. 63 pages. 19.99. *****

This is probably the first quilt book I have seen/reviewed where there are NO quilt photos. Macbeth does this intentionally so that the reader will have "the ability to apply your own creative statement to your Scrapstashtic quilts". Surprisingly, it works very well for this book. Macbeth provides her background in sewing and quilting and drew me right in from the first page.
Well-written and easy to follow, she suggests ways to organize a fabric stash and scraps in a way that will make it practical and functional. Macbeth provides a  printable flow chart organizing fabric scraps and encourages the reader to print it and hang it in the sewing room.
Quilt Recipes are provided to use up those scraps and she encourages the quilter to adapt the recipe.
Acknowledging that scraps do not always make the most attractive quilts, she has included a chapter on "How to (Mostly) Avoid Making Ugly Quilts." The Troubleshooting and Nuts and Bolts chapters are perfect to recommend to new quilters.

Only 63 pages, however, this is one of those quilt books that you will refer to again and again. I know I have seen some of this information before but not in a format so clear and concise. Recommended for a beginner and experienced quilter, great ideas for sewing charity quilts and Quilt Guild projects.

I received a copy of this book to review.

Janellea Macbeth is a creative individual who "arts" her way through life and spends capricious amounts of time playing with fabric. An avid hand, machine , and long arm quilter, Jan has been sewing for 31 years and quilting for 25 years. She has introduced many friends o the delights of cutting fabric into little pieces in order to sew it back into larger pieces of fabric, and hosts from her cell phone. She is joined in her sewing room exploits by her cats, who just want to help with EVERYTHING and a dog who very respectfully naps through every sewing session. Visit her website at or FB

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